Digital Transformation For Financial Industries
June 10, 2022 in Uncategorized /by Hiral PatelDigital Transformation For Financial Industries

Consumer desire for new and creative goods and services, with rich user experiences and faster delivery timeframes while continuing to lower costs, is causing a major disruption in the financial services industry. For these digital transformations to be possible and effective, enterprise agility is becoming increasingly important. Agile adoption is increasingly crucial for banks and capital market organisations around the world, as many people are hunting for digital business transformation training. In a fast-changing industry context, this blog shows how successful organisations are leveraging agile for such a transition.
Factors For Successful Digital Transformation
Put The Customer First
Consumers nowadays want consistent experiences across all channels, services, and products. They also want financial service organisations to develop individualised products and services that cater to their specific tastes and aspirations, as well as provide powerful underlying platforms, competitive pricing, customer education, and more tools.
Improve Time-To-Value
Consumers want their banks to double down on their business model in 18 months or less, similarly to Moore’s Law, which predicts the doubling of transistors in a silicon chip every two years. This means that banks want a seamless innovation delivery pipeline that observes market trends, tests innovative products, and iterates for continual improvement via fast feedback channels. By responding to shifting consumer tastes, a flexible, on-demand innovation pipeline can help banks boost client stickiness.
Make The Most Of The Minimum Viable Product’s Potential (MVP)
To achieve client-centricity as an enterprise goal, product teams must focus on the customer and use constant feedback to drive continuous development. This means close cooperation between business and technical teams, as well as a robust tooling ecosystem and an iterative approach to MVP development. An approach like this will allow banks to quickly roll out the needed capabilities across digital channels as they try to avoid becoming obsolete.
Keep Up With Digital By Modernising Outdated Systems
To achieve client-centricity as an enterprise goal, product teams must focus on the customer and use constant feedback to drive continuous development. This means close cooperation between business and technical teams, as well as a robust tooling ecosystem and an iterative approach to MVP development. An approach like this will allow banks to quickly roll out the needed capabilities across digital channels as they try to avoid becoming obsolete.
Keep Up With Digital By Modernising Outdated Systems
While digital technologies such as cloud, big data, and analytics can help businesses become more efficient, they still rely on on-premise data and information flow via traditional systems. Thus, upgrading core systems with Microservice architecture, APIs, and DevOps procedures for continuous integration delivery can result in shorter release cycles which is a critical part of the digital transformation journey.
Workforce Development
Companies must be careful to minimise worries about ‘automation anxiety’ as automation replaces mundane activities and machine learning enhances process efficiency. This can be accomplished through hosting hackathons and ideation, instilling entrepreneurial thinking in the workforce, investing in cross-functional teams, and reskilling staff on emerging technology to foster a learning culture that is necessary for business growth.
Why Is Digital Transformation Necessary For Financial Industries?
Recognize The Bigger Picture
The ultimate aim of digital transformation might be represented as a timeline with milestones to be met, features to be provided in stages, or a graph showing expected outcomes over time. Teams have the advantage of seeing the larger picture, which helps them figure out what steps are required to achieve little and large objectives. These teams are made up of multi-skilled individuals who work well with the rest of the organisation’s ecosystem to identify problems, create solutions, and implement remedies with accuracy. For better involvement, teams use agile approaches like iterative delivery and regular presentations to business teams, linking IT with business.
Change Your Approach From Project-Based To Product-Driven
Many firms still see agile as a solely technological approach for discovering flaws, meeting deadlines, and hitting milestones in project delivery. In actuality, agile is a new way of thinking for organisations that includes customer-centricity, business-driven IT, outcome-oriented change, and providing business value from each project, in addition to smooth project execution. Agile projects are constantly delivered, fulfilling high-priority requirements first while responding to changing and evolving requirements, with consumers at the centre of thinking when designing, testing, and deploying.
Transform Agile Digital Into Measurable Results
It is not enough to merely adopt digital technologies to enable digital capabilities; it is also necessary to drive improved outcomes. This is when agility comes in handy. Prioritisation of features based on business value promotes an outcome-driven mindset; shorter and more frequent release cycles provide early visibility to the company, magnifying feedback loops and making it easier to pivot, if necessary while keeping the goal outcomes in mind.
Obtain On-Demand DevOps-Centric Delivery
Creating a continuous lifecycle to discuss ideas, establish new skills, and provide high-quality services and products is what organisational agility is all about. This necessitates a well-defined technology and tooling ecosystem to expedite idea creation, feature development on a regular basis, and DevOps-based delivery on demand.
Continuously And Responsibly Innovate
While agile can assist organisations to cultivate a culture of experimentation and innovation, this culture must be fostered throughout the organisation, not just in one vertical or ‘innovation team.’ Organisations can stay ahead of the innovation curve by participating in hackathons, ideations, or immersive learning experiences centred on the ideas of failing fast and focusing on cross-functional collaboration.
Summing Up
Many Academies are starting to track the effectiveness of their digital transformation programs by measuring and reporting Key Business Indicators, such as: customers’ percentage growth in digital adoption, account opening initiation to conversion, average time from opening the account to financing, cost savings in account maintenance, asset retention quantum, overall rise in customer happiness, and other measures.
There are many academies that can help you learn about digital transformation for the financial industries. You can visit to learn more about how to lead complex digital transformation projects at companies that have a large workforce. It is one of the best academies that provide digital business transformation courses. Visit them now and enrol for the course today!